
Find The Reciprocal Of 4/7

To find the reciprocal, choose the type of the number then enter the values in the reciprocal reckoner.

The reciprocal calculator is a math tool that finds the reciprocal of different types of numbers. It can find the reciprocal of:

  • Number
  • Decimal
  • Fraction
  • Mixed Fraction

To see the calculation process step-by-stride, click "Show More than afterwards calculating the reciprocal."

What is a reciprocal?

The reciprocal of a number is calculated by taking the same number under division to 1. Such as the reciprocal of number 13 is 1 over 13 (1/thirteen).

How to find the reciprocal?

You lot can use the reciprocal fraction calculator or solve it by yourself. To acquire how to find the reciprocal of different numbers, continue reading.

Reciprocal of decimal numbers:

It is easy to find the reciprocal of numbers and integers but when they have a decimal point, it is a little different.


Find the reciprocal of 1.34.


Step 1: Make it a numerator by placing one in the fraction.

reciprocal calculation

Pace 2: Swap the numerator and denominator.


Step three: Convert the decimal to fraction.

reciprocal of 1.34

Step four: Solve.

reciprocal solution

You can solve it more to observe the decimal bespeak value.

Reciprocal of fractions:

In the previous example, you lot can see how to find the reciprocal of a uncomplicated fraction. But swap places of the values and that'southward information technology. For mixed fractions, encounter the example alee.


What is the reciprocal of195?


Step 1: Convert the mixed fraction to a unproblematic fraction.

mixed fraction

Step two: Invert the fraction.

solve reciprocals

If y'all want then you can solve to get a decimal number value in pace 3.

Find The Reciprocal Of 4/7,


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